Wow.. yesterday was so tiring as we were painting the murals at block 234A for the NYJC's 30th anniversary.. i thought we could finish it by 12noon bud we took another 4 more hours to finish.. it was very fun painting the murals and chit chatting with my classmates.. hahaX.. class bonding.. hahaX.. the playground was a fun place to relieve your stress.. maybe part of me was trying to find back my childhood life- something tat ish less stressful and no HW to think about!!!
here are some photos tat Vivienne and the others took:
gee.. see my ORANGE fingerprints.. hahaX.. there's peiting in the background.. hahaX..
me and peiting..
help me.. i'm been stucked in jail..
hahaX.. peiting's also in jail.. we're innocent!! wad have we done wrong!! GET US OUT NOW!!
me and peiting (i love tis pic!!)
tat's our Ct, mr tan
me, pt and mr tan =)
WHEE!!!! so fun!!
peiting, me and shanyi (from left) we're the future PAINTERS!! call us at XXXXXXXX if u need us to help u paint ur house. =)
liangyu, pingmei, me, peiting, xiuhao (from left) i wander were there blue patches on liangyu's neck.. hahaX.. =)
girls of 0720!! not all.. from left, peiting, eunice, shanyi, me, viv, kim, yingjie, jas =)
we're proud to be mei nv club!! from right, viv(no.1), pt, me, fish, shanyi, pingmei, xiuhao, gerald, kim, joan(no. 10)
wow.. look there.. hahaX.. are there beautiful things there? why are the mei nvS looking and pointing at that direction?? hahaX.. =)
peiting, me, kim and joan with the CUTTIE!! hahaX..
0720 simply ROX!!! hahaX.. =)
I LOVE 0720!!! =)
btw, thanks to everyone for helping to finish the murals and also viv for bringing her cam to take e photos.. thanks!!
after tat, i went to kovan to meet up with hweeling, joycelyn and haolun to have dinner together.. hahaX.. haolun did not join us for dinner so tat leave the 3 of us.. joy has to go home early so we sent her to e bus-stop.. then ruth came to join us.. hahaX.. i'm so happy tat she came.. long time since she went out with us.. =)
-x ii an gg y uu =)
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