i love this code!! taken from a book i recently read, "tuesdays with Morrie". nice book.. =) hmmm.. it goes like this "Life is a series of pulls back and forth. You want to do one thing, but you are bound to do something else. Something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. You take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take anything for granted."
the other phrase is" The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in".
-x ii an gg y uu
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
haiX.. today's another long day ahead.. it's SATURDAY and we had to GO to SCHOOL!!! till the night.. dont you think it's so torturing.. haiX.. life's like that.. but NY's fun, fun and more fun!!! hahaX.. especially 0720!! i'm liking the class more and more.. maybe PW is good.. i get to know a lot of new friends instead of just one.. heheX.. you all know who is that already.. hahaX.. maybe i'm quite shy.. so i seldom take the initiative to talk to people first.. hahaX.. maybe waiting for others to talk first.. =D i'm quite satisfied with my PW group.. a bunch of fun people.. hahaX.. hope we'll get good grades together kae?? hahaX.. yesterday, i went to tm to meet my pae friend.. hahaX.. so MISS her can??!! it's like months since we last met.. we planned to meet lots of times, bud no time as usual.. hahaX.. anyway, since friday we only had half day, i went to tm to meet her.. and she skipped her CCA because of me.. hahaX.. so we shopped in tm and century square.. mostly buying our own things, Mothers' Day present and also shopping for my another pae friend's present. we met zhong qing at century sq and i chat with her as usual.. hahaX.. long time since i met her.. hahaX.. hmmm.. maybe a year?? hahaX.. maybe you all would ask how i knew her.. her mum was my aunty's neighbour.. quite a long relationship right?? hahaX.. she was filming the clothes changing thingy.. hahaX.. and my friend kept saying how beautiful she was.. and when i told her, she laughed and kept saying thanks to us.. and she said "青 春 又 美 丽 right?” hahaX.. so funny.. lolX.. anyway, after she told me not to spend too much money on shopping, i went on a shopping spree and bought lots of things.. GOSH!! i'm broke now.. hahaX.. gonna go do PI le.. bye everyone.. =)
-x ii an gg y uu
-x ii an gg y uu
------------SEPTEMBER BABY ---------------
Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends
to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself.
Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic.
Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems.
Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and
caring. Suave and generous. Usually you have
many friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional.
Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivates
oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore.
Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can
hahaX.. i got this in my e-mail and i think it was quite true about me.. hahaX.. if you all want the e-mail, tell me.. and i'll send you all.. hahaX.. =)
-x ii an gg y uu
Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends
to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself.
Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic.
Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems.
Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and
caring. Suave and generous. Usually you have
many friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional.
Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivates
oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore.
Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can
hahaX.. i got this in my e-mail and i think it was quite true about me.. hahaX.. if you all want the e-mail, tell me.. and i'll send you all.. hahaX.. =)
-x ii an gg y uu
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
hahaX.. i'm quite lucky today.. firstly, my group members for PW is okay (SOMEONE wasn't in my group) and i AM the group leader.. everybody especially ****** who thinks that i'm a slacker!!! maybe i'll try to prove to him OR them that I'M NOT!!! so hurting man.. i admit that i slack sometimes but ultimately, i still do my homework!!! okay.. i'm too overboard.. hmmm.. after school.. i have my CCA, which was Biz Club.. As an exco nominee, we had to do a series of speeches, Q&As as well as interviews.. Oh Gosh! i screwed up the whole thing man... i was like there's nothing to talk about!! they asked questions like "what are your strengths and weakness?" and "what qualities do you think you have which other people do not have?" OMG!!! that's a very BHB question.. how am i going to answer?? it's like boosting about yourself.. i mean all these things you have to socialise with the person for a long time before you could know his/her personality.. how could one just judge the other's personality by just his/her words.. lolX.. after CCA, it rained heavily.. i was soaking wet when i reached home.. hmmm... hope i won't catch a cold or fever tomorrow.. =)
-x ii an gg y uu
-x ii an gg y uu
Monday, April 23, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
mum, sorry for the things i did that made you angry.. if i ate my lunch early that day, you wont have scolded me.. if i didnt sit at the computer for long hours, you wont scold me either.. really want to say sorry to you.. i cant imagine living a day without you.. all the household chores, my longings, our normal chats... i'll try to be more obedient so that you wont have to scold me or nag at me at times.. i will try.. i'll be strong and go to university to prove to others that you have such a great daughter.......
-x ii an gg y uu
-x ii an gg y uu
Friday, April 20, 2007
another week passed.. and I'm still slacking.. at least i'm quite done with my PI.. quite satisfied that Mr Lau dint pin point too much about my proposal.. :D today was a normal day for me.. except that time drags slowly.. and i felt like sleeping at times.. today, i was so LOST!!! i don't know what Mr Wan is talking about during chemistry lecture.. really got to find a day to look through my notes.. =D gee.. got to go.. wanna go play maple.. cya~ =)))))))
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-x ii an gg y uu
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
haiX.. so fan nao today.. bad day for me... so unlucky.. why should such things fall on me!!! wad have i done wrong?? why i have to do or be something i dun like?? why cant i just be myself??!!! why cant i just lead a simple life??? so many obstacles ahead of me.. i felt like breaking down.. W-H-Y??!!! i'm so stressed with work and yet i still have so many problems to solve.. i just wan to be happy.. isit very difficult?? those who think that i'm always happy, u're wrong.. i will still be unhappy sometimes.. i'm a human being.. please treat me like one.. i still have feelings..
-x ii an gg y uu
-x ii an gg y uu
Monday, April 16, 2007
another day passed.. and another rainy day.. i'm hatting rainy days more and more.. dont you all think that rainy days always obstruct you in doing what you have planned to do?? so many rainy days have passed and yet, i still didnt see you.. is that called "fate"?? hahaX.. let's not talk about things that dampen my mood.. let's talk about interesting things that happen in school today.. actualy there arent much.. except that i got C for maths because of handling my work late.. =( and we didnt get a chance to SHOWCASE our PROFESSIONAL gp essay today.. that was a fortunate thing because our essay were the lousiest among them.. Eugene's group did very well in their essay and mrs too said they ocunld only get a C grade.. OMG!! then wad about us.. an E grade?? lolX.. i hope we dont have to have harsh PE trainings tml AGAIN.. ='(
-x ii an gg y uu
-x ii an gg y uu
Friday, April 13, 2007
红 着 眼 你 轻 轻 碰 我 的 手
对 不 起 你 喃 喃 地 说
我 的 难 过 不 只 你 又 伤 了 我
还 有 你 变 得 这 样 擅 长 认 错
叹 息 沉 默 加 泪 水 和 疲 倦
怎 么 会 爱 只 剩 这 一 些
是 不 是 时 间 把 人 变 得 傻 了 点
明 明 有 过 快 乐 却 忘 了 怀 念
如 果 我 可 以 不 再 迷 恋
迷 恋 你 在 怀 中 幸 福 的香 味
也 许 就 能 够 不 再 有 期 待
期 待 你 回 来 约 好 的 未 来
我 听 着 你 说 爱 我
感 觉 却 如 此 寂 寞
笑 容 只 维 持 几 秒 就 变 酸 了
此 刻 我 只 想 找 一 个 出 口
逃 离 这 混 乱 荒 谬
爱 不 爱 改 天 再 说
我 想 你 真 的 爱 我
但 我 也 真 的 很 痛
不 然 不 会 连 亲 吻 都 苦 苦 的
哪 里 才 会 有 离 开 你 的 出 口
可 是 我 离 开 以 后
能 往 哪 里 走
听 着 你 说 好 爱 我
感 觉 却 不 是 感 动
这 一 次 拥 抱 以 后 还 有 没 有
谁 能 告 诉 我 哪 里 有 出 口
能 让 我 逃 出 这 个
我 快 沉 没 的 漩 涡
就 算 真 找 到 出 口
the parts in blue is very meaningful.. so i highlighted it.. =)
-x ii an gg y uu
红 着 眼 你 轻 轻 碰 我 的 手
对 不 起 你 喃 喃 地 说
我 的 难 过 不 只 你 又 伤 了 我
还 有 你 变 得 这 样 擅 长 认 错
叹 息 沉 默 加 泪 水 和 疲 倦
怎 么 会 爱 只 剩 这 一 些
是 不 是 时 间 把 人 变 得 傻 了 点
明 明 有 过 快 乐 却 忘 了 怀 念
如 果 我 可 以 不 再 迷 恋
迷 恋 你 在 怀 中 幸 福 的香 味
也 许 就 能 够 不 再 有 期 待
期 待 你 回 来 约 好 的 未 来
我 听 着 你 说 爱 我
感 觉 却 如 此 寂 寞
笑 容 只 维 持 几 秒 就 变 酸 了
此 刻 我 只 想 找 一 个 出 口
逃 离 这 混 乱 荒 谬
爱 不 爱 改 天 再 说
我 想 你 真 的 爱 我
但 我 也 真 的 很 痛
不 然 不 会 连 亲 吻 都 苦 苦 的
哪 里 才 会 有 离 开 你 的 出 口
可 是 我 离 开 以 后
能 往 哪 里 走
听 着 你 说 好 爱 我
感 觉 却 不 是 感 动
这 一 次 拥 抱 以 后 还 有 没 有
谁 能 告 诉 我 哪 里 有 出 口
能 让 我 逃 出 这 个
我 快 沉 没 的 漩 涡
就 算 真 找 到 出 口
the parts in blue is very meaningful.. so i highlighted it.. =)
-x ii an gg y uu
hahaX.. time passes really fast.. another weekend for me.. things have been going on QUITE smoothly for me.. hahaX.. except that more and more HW is piling on top of me.. i'm still aching from yesterday's PE training.. i suddenly have a thinking tat she was training us for NS.. LOL.. now i cant turn my body too fast.. all thanks to her.. =D hahaX.. yesterday me and peiting was joking about leon.. cos we went to AMK HUB then we saw a board with writings "JEAN YIP" then below the words were"Leonard" hahaX.. SO FUNNY.. hahaX.. we even took photos of that.. =D then we cracked some stupid jokes which contributed to my aching now.. hahaX.. =D
-x ii an gg y uu
-x ii an gg y uu
Monday, April 9, 2007
9th april...
wow.. 2 years have passed.. time flies.. *recalling the first time we met* hmmm... today's a rainy day as usual.. maybe that's a reason why i dun like rainy days.. was it because i dun wan to remember u?? or was it other reasons??
we'll always see each other during rainy days bud y didn't i see u today?? maybe god's wanting me to forget u.. and be back my true self.. maybe i should try to stay stronger and try to find back the cheery me.. hahaX..
after a heavy downpour and the sun will be out.. i might see a rainbow.. =)
-x ii an gg y uu
we'll always see each other during rainy days bud y didn't i see u today?? maybe god's wanting me to forget u.. and be back my true self.. maybe i should try to stay stronger and try to find back the cheery me.. hahaX..
after a heavy downpour and the sun will be out.. i might see a rainbow.. =)
-x ii an gg y uu
Friday, April 6, 2007
PHEEWWW... fianally finished my PI.. i was panicking whether i could finish it on time.. AND... i did it!!! OMG!!! it's such a good achievement for me.. hahaX.. one of the resons might be i'm veyr slack.. hahaX..fianally i dun have to worry about tat anymore.. just concentrate on my GP test.. hahaX..
songs listened: an jing by jay chou
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songs listened: an jing by jay chou
-x ii an gg y uu
mural painting..
Wow.. yesterday was so tiring as we were painting the murals at block 234A for the NYJC's 30th anniversary.. i thought we could finish it by 12noon bud we took another 4 more hours to finish.. it was very fun painting the murals and chit chatting with my classmates.. hahaX.. class bonding.. hahaX.. the playground was a fun place to relieve your stress.. maybe part of me was trying to find back my childhood life- something tat ish less stressful and no HW to think about!!!
here are some photos tat Vivienne and the others took:
gee.. see my ORANGE fingerprints.. hahaX.. there's peiting in the background.. hahaX..
me and peiting..
help me.. i'm been stucked in jail..
hahaX.. peiting's also in jail.. we're innocent!! wad have we done wrong!! GET US OUT NOW!!
me and peiting (i love tis pic!!)
tat's our Ct, mr tan
me, pt and mr tan =)
WHEE!!!! so fun!!
peiting, me and shanyi (from left) we're the future PAINTERS!! call us at XXXXXXXX if u need us to help u paint ur house. =)
liangyu, pingmei, me, peiting, xiuhao (from left) i wander were there blue patches on liangyu's neck.. hahaX.. =)
girls of 0720!! not all.. from left, peiting, eunice, shanyi, me, viv, kim, yingjie, jas =)
we're proud to be mei nv club!! from right, viv(no.1), pt, me, fish, shanyi, pingmei, xiuhao, gerald, kim, joan(no. 10)
wow.. look there.. hahaX.. are there beautiful things there? why are the mei nvS looking and pointing at that direction?? hahaX.. =)
peiting, me, kim and joan with the CUTTIE!! hahaX..
0720 simply ROX!!! hahaX.. =)
I LOVE 0720!!! =)
btw, thanks to everyone for helping to finish the murals and also viv for bringing her cam to take e photos.. thanks!!
after tat, i went to kovan to meet up with hweeling, joycelyn and haolun to have dinner together.. hahaX.. haolun did not join us for dinner so tat leave the 3 of us.. joy has to go home early so we sent her to e bus-stop.. then ruth came to join us.. hahaX.. i'm so happy tat she came.. long time since she went out with us.. =)
-x ii an gg y uu =)
here are some photos tat Vivienne and the others took:

after tat, i went to kovan to meet up with hweeling, joycelyn and haolun to have dinner together.. hahaX.. haolun did not join us for dinner so tat leave the 3 of us.. joy has to go home early so we sent her to e bus-stop.. then ruth came to join us.. hahaX.. i'm so happy tat she came.. long time since she went out with us.. =)
-x ii an gg y uu =)
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